Bearded Iris


Iris germanica

There are thousands of cultivars available from specialist suppliers. They are best planted as bare root plants in late summer, in a sunny open position with the rhizome visible on the surface of the soil and facing the sun. They should be divided in summer every two or three years, when the clumps become congested.

Feed: Bone meal, superphosphate and 6-10-10 are all effective. A light application in the early spring and a second light application about a month after bloom.

Prune: Bloom stalks should be cut off close to the base after all buds have finished blooming. Healthy green leaves should be left undisturbed, but diseased or brown leaves should be removed. Prune back in Fall.

Notes: Divide clumps of bearded iris every three to four years in the late summer.

Height: 34 to 40 inches

Spread: 12 inches

Blooming: Spring

Soil Moisture: Well Drained

Sun Exposure: Part Sun, Full Sun